Tuesday, 3 September 2013



Everybody is fear of death and each one of us experiences it some or the other day, recently I have gone through this fear because few weeks back I met with an accident  the car driver managed to break in time because which  I was saved or else I would have bang myself on a divider or a street lamp or in worst condition the car would have drag me 1 km away. After the accident when I went home I was thinking what If I would have died I would have missed a chance rather my last chance to speak with my beloved mom who was not in town. I was scared and thank the Lord for saving me.

Later I taught am I prepared for death, resurrection and most important judgment. As a believer we believe we will be raised from death to face judgment and eternal rewards of heaven and hell.

Now what of non believers, because they believe in incarnation ( another life in different form) or few non believers will be thinking “ if a man die shall he live again?”

Jesus resurrection proves life after death is possible. Jesus resurrection proves all people will be raised 1 Cor 6: 14 God raised the Lord from the death, and he will also raise us by his power.

And also after death comes not another life (incarnation) but rather judgment. Men dies and then comes judgment and then primary rewards or punishments. God’s grace and justice demand that he reward or punish men for their lives. Hebrews 9-27 Everyone must die once, and after that be judged by God.

Because God is gracious.He offers eternal life to those who obediently receive Jesus salvation  but because He is just He must punish those who do not repent and live for Him.

Reward for dead one in Christ name: 1 Thessalonians 4 13-18: Some were concerned that the dead in Christ might lose their reward but as surely as Jesus arose, He will come again and bring the dead with Him. He will raise the dead so they along with those still living can forever be with the Lord.

Resurrection defeats Satan and gives Jesus Victory: The final victory over Satan will come when all men are raised. 1 Cor 15 verse 24-26: Jesus will reign till He defeats the last enemy which is death, death entered because Satan seduced Adam to sin. Christ ultimate victory will occur when He defeats this last remaining enemy. At the resurrection the spirit reunites with the body then we are changed so we can inherit the kingdom of heaven so death is swallowed up in victory.

Prayer: Heavenly Father I thank you for fulfilling my needs and the needs of the people who are reading this message now. Father with the constant care which Jesus as for us and with the guard of the Holy spirit you take care of all of us and save each one of us through the enemy. Jesus give us good brain to understand the importance of the eternal life so that we are prepared to change ourselves so that we will not be fear of death and later judgment. Amen


Monday, 26 August 2013


                             Judgement Day

We all know rather its been years and years we are listening that the judgement day is near. There are four truths of the judgement day which is Enemy, Patient, God as the right to jugde and Judgement is coming.

1st truth Enemy: Mathew Chp 13 verse 24 to 30: If we read this parable we get to know the first truth of the judgement day that the enemy is real. In verse 25 it says while the men slept his enemy came and this enemy is no one else but the Satan in verse 39 we get the answer. The enemy that sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the world and the reapers are the angels.

2nd truth is Patient: Chp3 verse 9, Our God is merciful, he waits until people come to Him with repentance. Jesus second inning is taking time because He is patient, He wants all of us to believe in Him and follow Him in our life so that the day He comes we all can go with Him to His Father’s kingdom.

3rd truth is God is going to judge: Matthew Chp 7 verse 1: God will judge at the end and not us and so today no one as right to decide who will go to hail and who can go to heaven. If someone who don’t believe in Jesus we have no right to make judgement for him or her that they will go to hail instead we can just say to a non believer that by putting themselves away from Jesus and they might loose everlasting life.

4t truth Judgement is coming: Mathew 24-36, Mark 13 verse 32 to 37: When its going to come no one knows but yes the truth is judgement is near. The day will come when we will ask Jesus please do not come now because I am not ready but at that He will not listen He will just come to judge us. Bible says Jesus is coming we should ask question to ourselves are we ready to face the judgement.

What we need to do to be prepared

Watch and wake up: This is what Jesus said to his disciples at the Gethsemane but Jesus was sad to know that his disciples went off to sleep and today again Jesus is said because most of us today are also sleeping.

Watch and Pray: Mark 13 verse 33: Prayer is power. When we pray God listens, when we pray heaven door opens, when we pray wonder happens, keep praying as enemy is real and the enemy knows Jesus is going to come soon and so do the enemy will try best to divert our mind.

Watch and work: Mark 13 verse 34: When Jesus went into heaven the land afar from all of us which is right above in the sky, Jesus left is house which is the congregation of his people but he gave authority to govern it as per the laws, rules and directions prescribed  by Him and assigned every man his particular work for which he gave proper gifts and abilities and ordered the porter to watch porter is no one else but his minister, priest and preachers who is duty is to watch over themselves and the souls of man committed to themselves..

Prayer: Father I thank you for taking care of my needs and also taking care of all those people’s need who are redaing this message now. Father we thank you for being so kind and merciful towards us that you are prolonging the coming of your beloved son so that we still get time to change ourselves and prepare ourselves so that we can clear the judgement and can enter your kingdom. Amen

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Enemies of Christian life

Most of us think that we have now made decision now I am ready to take baptism, I am ready to get converted and now I am ready to call myself as a Child of Christ and once we call ourselves as a Child of Christ we assume everything over most of us thing now we have achieved the degree and now it’s the end. But that assumption is wrong. Actually our real responsibility our real Christian life begans when we actually take baptism because that is the time when we are born in the new world. We are actually spiritual baby we need tenderness, love and care. We need to be fed, we need protection and this is the reason why most of us need help and fellowship.

When a new born baby starts growing it is the infant’s parents responsibility to take proper care of their child because the day that new born child becomes smart in brain his/ her first enemy is the TV. In the same way when we began our new life in Christ enemies are ready to attack us. If you made your decision and accepted Christ you will find first enemy at work, either we tempted to commit sin or you had a moment of depression or discouragement.

3 enemies of Christian life: The Devil, The World, and the Flesh

The Devil; We all know that the devil was beaten at the cross by Christ but he still has power to influence men for evil. The Bible calls the devil “ Wicked one” The Devil, A Murder, a lier and Father of Lies. Matthew 13-19, Luke 4-33 John 8:44. The moment we accept Christ Satan becomes angry and then he starts to temp you and try to lead you into sin. Satan will try to make us feel proud and confident of ourself and on other hand he will put hatred in our heart. He will temp us to say unkind and ungenerous words for others. Satan is called the God of this world. 2 Cor 4:4 , John 12:31

The World: The world has a tendency to lead us into sin, evil companions, pleasures, fashions, Aims and so on. Now in our new born world of Christ we experiences our worldly pleasure been lifted into an entirely new way. Many non Christian and Christian accused Christ life because they think there are rules and prohibition in it. But this is another lie of Satan because when we accept Christ we are so satisfied with the things of Christ that we do not get time for worldly things. There are certain element of our daily life which are not sinful like pleasure is lawful but is  unlawful if overuse. Making money is necessary for daily life but the money loving and then the deceitfulness of riches enter into and spoils our spiritual life.

The Flesh: The flesh is the evil tendency of our inward self, Even when we accept Christ sometimes our old sinful carvings will return and these evil temptations come from nowhere else but a traitor which is living within. Flesh and spirit are in conflict with each other Galatians 5:17.In this battle of self life and the Christ life . Lust is strong desire and not necessarily means sinful desire. Since there are certain desires of our physical nature hunger and thirst of food and water is a required desire but hunger and thirst of physical attraction is an sinful desire.
But people who are fighting with this enemies should not feel frightened. You are not alone  in the battle. Romans 8-13 Remember Jesus promised that he would never leave us or forsake us. Remember Jesus promised us that after he left the earth he would send another third person Trinity the Holy Spirit who is called comforter which means one who comes alongside to help that he may abide with us forever John 14-16.
1 Cor 6=19; The Bible says that the moment you accepted Christ as savior the Holy Spirit took up residence in your heart. Your body is now the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you.

Prayer: Heavenly Father I thank you for fulfilling my needs and the needs of the people who are reading this message now. Father help us to understand the real meaning of baptism and then guide us to live our life according to your son Jesus and give us courage to face our enemies while entering and while we our in your world. Amen

Friday, 12 July 2013

Bibical Concept of Birthday's

Most of us assumes that birthday is one of the special day in our life and therefore every nation on the earth as a set pattern to celebrate birthday. Birthday cakes, candles, singing “ Happy Birthday” receiving gifts, throwing birthday parties, Most modern celebration birthday bumps, Smashing birthday cake all over the face, sending birthday messages sharp at 12 in the night.
Few believers do not celebrate birthdays. But does that mean.We can’t celebrate birthdays at all? We are made in the image of God. Bible never gives command to celebrate birthdays and so do this is the one reason why we are never commanded to celebrate Christmas. We may do that, but Bible do not tell us to celebrate Christmas. The Bible talks about are physical death date.

The Bible talks about spiritual birth, As I got to know from one of my uncle Mr S Nand the saying born once, die twice but born twice die once.

John 3 verse 3 Jesus answered and said to him, “ Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

When we buy a new mobile phone along with the phone we get the manual where we have instructions on how to use the phone, Our non Christians friends follow a tradition when a new baby is born they go to  some religious Maharaj and they get the Kundali of the baby where they have instructions given what to wear, which colour is lucky and so on. Similarly when we are born we are provided with an instruction manual on how to live our life and the manual is nothing but the Bible. Every word of the scripture is a message from God to all of us, Who we are, What we are, Why God created us and How God wants us to live our life.

In Matthew 4 verse 4 “ One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.”

Let’s see few examples of Birthday from the Bible

First Birthday: Gen 40 verse 11 to 23 Pharaoh, the Egyptian king, celebrated his birthday by executing his chief baker. God informed Joseph through a dream that Pharaoh would kill the baker and in further verse we get to know that the baker was hung at the party.
In most of the birthday parties people drink and all know what happens if someone gets over drunk and the outputs which comes through over drinking. We may not exactly do what Pharaoh did but we may end up in fighting because argument leads to fight.

Second Birthday:  Matthew 14 verse 3 to 11 In verse 6 we read that Herod’s daughter delighted him so much that Herod swore to give her whatever she might ask and prompted by her mother she asked head of the John the Baptist. As a result a great servant of God lost his life.
We also may get carried away like Herod, In our birthday parties there could be a girl ( Like Jezebel Rev 2 verse 20} through a tricks we may get carried away and fall for her which is against the will of God. Because God do not like adultery.

God never records the birth of his beloved son Jesus, No where in the bible it gives us the exact date when Jesus was born, for that matter bible never gives us the date of birth of Abraham, Moses. Bible also never tells us to celebrate Christmas. December 25th is marked the time of winter solstice and the idol worshipper’s held pagan festivals to celebrate the rebirth of the sun.

No where in the new testament we find examples Jesus disciples celebrating Christmas  or the birthday of Jesus. Millions of us observe Christmas with a 100% service level like we buy new clothes, we decorate house, we make sweets, we buy cakes, we exchange gifts but we all miss on 100% service level when it comes to observe his death and second inning. In Mark 7 verse 6 to 8 “ This people honour me with their lips but their hearts are far from me, In vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines human percepts.

Most people think that the day of one’s birth is special. Celebrating  birthday does seems that it is right thing to do. Yet Solomon was inspired to write in Ecclesiates 7 verse 1 A good name is better than precious ointment and the day of death than the day of one’s birth.

If the day of our death is better than the day of our birth and some scriptures in the bible do support this , then how special can this day be? According to scripture it is not a time to express joy, sing and expect gifts simply because one is born into the world on a specific date.
Most people do not think death particularly a better day. When it happens to a family member or a close friend it is usually a day of terrible sadness and emotion yet the Bible says this day is better than the day of birth.

Romans 6 verse 23 For the wages of sin is death. But there is also hope through Christ. Jesus Christ is returning on the Earth to put an end to all enemies which also includes death.

1 Cor 15 verse 24 to 26 The last enemy to be defeated will be death.
1 Cor 15 verse 54 to 56: Where death is your victory? Where death is your power to hurt? Death gets its power to hurt from sin, and sin gets its power from the Law

So this life is a physical temporary existence. Once it is gone it is gone forever, considering this, what is so happy about a birthday into an ungodly world only to die and never see life again. Why celebrate being born into a world that is cut off from God’s divine guidance a world of misery, confusion, poverty, ignorance, famine and disease.

God can and will give you eternal life. He wants you to have it. He wants you to live to the fullest and experience the way of life that produces real peace, joy, abundance and security but life as to be lived His way according to His rules.

For since by man( Adam) death came, by Man( Jesus) came also resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die so do in Jesus all be made alive.

When compare to the awesome future God as in store for us. By accepting and following his rules we will never taste death and will not be limited to the physical laws of this universe ( 1 Cor chp 15) therefore celebrating one’s physical birthday seems foolish.

Why does God care whether or not we celebrate birthdays? After all it is a day for us to give gifts and to receive gifts from our loved ones.

In Jer 10 verse 2 to 3: Learn not the way of the heathen and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven for the heathen are dismayed by them. For the customs of the people are vain.

But we should celebrate the birthdays of those who have reached the age of 80, 90 and above because in our current society we ignore old people most of us throw their old parents in the orphan hostels someone thinks their old parents are burden for them but we should celebrate their birthdays because in Proverbs 16 verse 31 states The hoary white or gray head is crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness people who have lived to great age, often have great wisdom and experience to share with the young generations.

Celebrating the day of one’s birth as a special occasion is wrong. It violates God’s command. It keeps people selfishly focused on their temporary, physical lives, when God’s purpose is to give mankind eternal life in His Family. True Christians should be focused on how their lives are preparing them for ruler ship on the earth at the Return of Jesus Christ.
Realize that God hates all pagan customs and traditions – Birthday celebrations are not an exception! 

Prayer: Thank you Father for taking care of my needs until now and taking care of needs of all those people who are reading this word now. Lord help us to understand the manual Bible which we have and help to follow your wish and guide us that we will try our best to keep ourselves away from the worldly traditions. Guide us speak to us and show us the way to understand should we follow to celebrate Jesus birth and so do our own birthday's Amen

Thursday, 27 June 2013

How To Live A Happy Married Life

In John 4 verse 7 to 8 God as advise us to love one another, and love also flows through our marriage life that lives upto mutual responsibilities and so I refuse or disagree when most of people say now they have got married and from one they became tow instead I say they are not 2 but they are 1 x 1 = 1.Yes husband and wife are not 1 + 1 = 2 but they are 1x1=1 because Ephesians 5 verse 31 God says For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and unite with his wife and the two will become one therefore husband and wife are not 2 but 1x1 =1.

In Hebrew chp 10 verse 24, Husband and wife should always encourage one another towards love and good deeds, that does not mean that wife should always encourage husband to do good things like asking husband to leave his family and we will stay separate but wife should always encourage their husband to spread gospel and to abide by God’s word and most important wife should always encourage husband to become fishermen because this is what Jesus as asked us to do. Pope, Bishop , Priest, our worldly designation given by man but designation given by Jesus to each one of us is Fishermen. Jesus said come to me and I will teach you to catch men and so likewise the Husband should encourage His wife to do same.

1 Corinthians chp 13 verse 7: Love always protects That doesn’t mean love enables, covers over or make secret things that should not be brought to light. Giving protecting love is being very careful, prayerful of when, where and with whom we share our personal details of our married life which needs extra  help and wise counsel. Truly Love our spouse is to protect them by showing honour and respect for their feelings not revealing or doing anything that will cut them down by doing that we don’t value them.

1 Cor Chp 13  Love is Kind: does not delight in evil things and is not self seeking. So we should not embarrasses our spouse because by doing that we dishonor not only our spouse but in many ways we dishonor are Lord too. One more example I would like to share in most of the marriages what happens after marriage either of the partner say I am not happy with other and they start cribbing and I personally feel that is wrong because again we are dishonoring God, because our spouse was chosen one for us through our Lord so instead of cribbing we should ask Lord prayerfully to overcome the bad qualities in our spouse so that we can live a happy married life.

In Luke chp 19 verse 41 -44 In this verse Jesus shows his sadness towards Israel, but I am trying to relate Jesus sadness in Christian Marriages. God gives us peace in married lives as when we allow God to teach us how to truly love one another, But we see lot of hatred, war instead of Love in todays’ Christian couples and the reason behind is this is Peace is missing. Most of the couples are fighting for divorce, few of them engaged in extra martial affairs and most of the couples are running behind money to gain worldly riches and rewards . Instead Jesus said first we should achieve Jesus in our life and once we do that all other things falls in place but today we try our best to achieve worldly things first and the result of this is we go away from Jesus. To give divorce to your wife is the most wrong thing because in Proverbs 18-22 Loard said He who finds wife finds good thing and also God said what God as joined no man should separate it.

Give your spouse the same grace that you want from Lord and that you want Lord to give you.
Submission is a key element in the smooth functioning of any marriage. It is essential to understand that submission Is not surrender or withdrawal. Submission is a mutual commitment and cooperation.

Wife should submit herself to husband for sake of their marriage and family. Submission between them is by choice not by force.
When husband and wife turns away from God than in their private life everything suffers and so do their surroundings because we don’t  recognize Christ’s love which is open to all that embrace Him as savior and as Lord, in being foundation upon which our marriage must be built upon and maintained.

And we should always remember what Apostle Paul said be content in the situation where God had placed you. Live God’s way one day at a time and He will show you what to do because marriage is Gift of God.

Before I conclude as Husband and wife we have some duties to one another in the same way we have some duties towards our Church and Lord because Jesus said the Church’s congregation is His bride so let’s follow Jesus preaching

Prayer: Father I thank you for this hour day and for fulfilling all my needs and of those who are reading this message now. Lord give us the sense to make ourselves humble like you remove all kind of attitude from us so that it won’t be an obstacle in any relation gifted by Christ. I remember all those couples and other family relation which are facing time of trials or issues through your grace bless those relation from getting separated. Amen  

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Why Am I On This Earth

Last year I went to Leh Ladak for my vacation, while passing through those dangerous valleys for a while I was scared thinking what if my cab just falls into the deep valley. Later I kept praying until I crossed the valleys safe. After some time I got a question in my mind why Jesus brought me into this world if I have die some 70 or 80 years later? or keeping present lifestyle in mind at the most 50 years. As a believer I always think there is something more to life from just to say Eat, Drink and be happy for tomorrow we die, but I think this assumption is wrong because even Science is discovering that the universe is getting old. It's dying just like man for example these days we have awareness regarding global warning. Sometime I wonder if all these things are going to happen than why I am on this Earth? And the answer is the reason I am here its because of God. The purpose of life is much larger than you or me, our families, careers or our goals. Life is not about us at all. It's about God. In Isaiah 43 verse 7 They are my own people and I created them to bring me glory.So let's not waste time in thinking about our careers,prosperity etc etc because in Pslam 32 verse 8 The Lord says I will teach you the way you should go. I will instruct you and advise you. In 1 Cor 10 verse 31"- Well what ever you do whether you eat or drink do it all for God's glory.

God created us for:

 1 For His glory. 
2 To glorify God and to fulfill His life purpose not ours. 
3  We can do anything be anyone or go anywhere as long as you include God.
4  Always glorify God in our own way. 
5 Life is God's gift lets' fulfill God's purpose not ours with the time He as        given to us.

In Genesis 1 verse 1 to 28 We get to know that in the beginning God created heaven, the earth, the humans. Bible tells us God specially created man and woman in His image so that God could have fellowship ( companionship or friendship) with His creation.He blessed them and gave them the rule over the fish of the sea and birds of the air and every living creature that moves on the ground. We are on the earth for God's pleasure,If we know God personally, than there is more to just living and dying because God does not want anyone to be destroyed but wants everyone to be repent. 2 Peter 3 verse 9

Now what is repentance and why do we need it? When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam's sin brought death so death spread Romans 5 verse 21, So sin entered in the human world, but God created a away out of it through Jesus Christ to defeat last enemy death. So this is the reason we should have repentance, we are here on the earth to honour God to know God and to share the benefits of his experience with others while on earth so we can ultimately spread gospel to others. We can only do that if we know Jesus as our saviour.

1 God's purpose: To have peace and life. God loves you and wants you to know Him so He can fill you with peace and give you real life forever.

The Bible says: Because of our Lord Jesus we live at peace with God.
 Romans 5 verse 1 God loved the people of this world so much that He gave His only on so that everyone who has faith in Him will have eternal life and never die John 3 verse 16, Also in John 10 verse 10 Jesus said I came so that everyone would have life and have it in its fullest.

Now when God as planned peace for us and real life than why so many people our disturbed or angry or unhappy.

2 Our Problem Separation from God: God did not made us robot to automatically love and obey Him, but gave us a will and a freedom of choice and through this freedom since the beginning of time we our disobeying God and this results in separation from God which ends in having peace with Him .

There is only One way to reach God.

3 God's Remedy The Cross: Jesus is the only one who can bring us back to God. He died on the cross and rose on the third day by paying the penalty of our sin and breaching  the gap between God and people.

Today our choice should be

4 Our response Give ourselves to Christ: We must trust Jesus to forgive our sins and determine to obey Him for the rest of our life. That we can know God and find peace again.

The Bible say: So you will be saved if you honestly say Jesus is Lord and if you believe with all your heart that God raised Him from death. Romans 10 verse 9 to 10.

Prayer: Father I thank you for taking care of my needs and of those who are reading this message now. Father we really thank you for giving us the freedom to live but Father we ask you to help us and to guide us so that we will not make use your freedom for doing wrong instead through that freedom give us the strength to understand that we our on this Earth only and only to glorify your name. Through your son Jesus Amen.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Try Jesus

                                               TRY  JESUS

In our daily routine life we human beings always have face problems sometime family, sometime at work.
Few of us face problems with health and so on...... Humans Beings problems list is never ending it goes on and on ..... 

In Ezekiel 37 verse 3 " And he said unto me, Son of man can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord God, thou knowest.  Yes it so true its only Our Father in Heaven and His son Jesus knows everything and as solutions to our problems because in Jeremiah 29 verse 11 " For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end." Amen. Our Lord promises us to give us peace and not evil. But most of the time when we suffer we try all other things expect Jesus for example if we have some health problem the first thing we do is is we approach Doctor, it is right to do that but we should also come down on our knees and ask 100% healing from Jesus but we fail to do that the first thing we do is approach Doctor if that does not work than we opt for some other solutions and towards the end we come to Jesus.

Let's see in the Bible people who were in problem or in need and they first approach Lord, they tried Lord and they got the answers.

Hannah: We all know Hannah was the one of the tow wives of Elkanah and God had closed her womb. In 1 Samuel 1 verse 10 " And she was in bittnerness of soul, and prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore.and in further verse she promises Lord that she will give the fruit of her womb unto the Lord. Amen , God listened to Hannah's weeping prayer. Today I urge and request to all those of my sister's in Christ due to some reason are not able to conceive I am not saying do not try medical treatment but along side try Jesus, Like Hannah got down on her knees weep and ask the Father and do remember like Hannah give your child or bring your child up in the fear of Lord. Today all parents wants their child to be a Doctor, engineer, dancer, singer but no one wish that their child should enter into bibical world because there is no money. Don't look for worldly money and worldly happiness which is for sometime and than it will go off but look for heavenly riches which last forever.

Elizabeth: In Luke Chp 1 we get to know that Elizabeth was old woman but as per verse 6 we get to know that she was faithful to God, and as we read further we get to know that God was pleased with her faithfulness and which was impossible that became possible through the Lord during her old age when it is not possible in that age God gave an honour to her of motherhood. We all should be faithful to the Lord no matter what happens we should never blame the Lord and turn away from Him because He as promised that he will give us peace and he will give us the end which we think of and exactly I think Elizabeth's last wish could be of becoming a mother which Go'd fulfilled because God himself is the creator of the world and the things which are in the world. Don't lose your faith in Lord, soon Lord will see our faithfulness attitude towards Him and He will give us the end an end which we expected.

Martha and Mary: Luke 10 verse 38 to 42. We get to know Martha was busy in the household chores and Mary sat down near Jesus feet and she was listening to His word. Today majority of us our like Martha and few of us our like Mary. As Martha was busy in house work we are busy in our work trying to achieve our goals like buying a flat, car, good job etc etc in doing that we try all the worldly thing and somethings goes wrong all of sudden we remember Jesus and than we try Jesus at the end. We should be like Mary, we should Try Jesus first all other things we fall in place through Jesus grace. Because when Martha made a complaint to Jesus, Jesus answered her that you are troubled and worried but Mary has chosen the right thing, so don't wait for a chance Jesus will reply to our complaint that you have not chosen an option like Mary. 

Zacchaeus : Luke 19 verse 1 to 9 , we get to know Zacchaeus was a tax collector and would have done many wrong things but when He realized his wrong doings instead of asking forgiveness from the people around Him what he did He tried Jesus first, he directly ask Jesus for his forgiveness when Jesus accepted Him and entered his house than he chose the second option of He said I will give half of my belongings to the poor, Today most of us would have done wrong things, most of us would be going through pain in relationships be it Husband wife, parents and children, instead of asking forgiveness directly to our loved ones ask forgiveness to our Jesus and than ask Jesus to be a mediator and request Jesus to send the Holy Spirit who will guide us to make our relationship more stronger than it was and prayerfully ask forgiveness to your own people.

Bleeding woman: Luke 8 verse 43 to 44. We get to know this woman was suffering a bleeding disease for 12 years and she tried many doctors and later second preference she tried Jesus and yet she was healed at once. Many of us would be not well, few of us would be fighting with cancer, sugar, BP etc I m not saying that don't try medical treatment but Try Jesus too don't give Jesus or don't keep an attitude like if nothing works than I will Try Jesus. Along with medication Try Jesus and ask Jesus for healing.

Prayer: Father I thank you for providing me with all my needs and also providing the needs of my friends who are reading this word now. Father please give us an attitude to Try your son Jesus in what ever we do, Father when ever we are choosing wrong step send your Holy spirit to guide us, Father through your son Jesus Christ have pity on us forgive our sins and bless us with the end which we have expected, Father you know all our wishes and needs grant them to us if you think if it is right for us to have it. Amen

Wednesday, 5 June 2013


 We all like to make friends right from day one in our school the person with whom  we share  our table becomes our friend , In future if we stay in the same school and if we pass each class together than no doubt that same person becomes our best friend in our life and these worldly  "Best Friendship” last until we pass class 10th  at the most until we pass out our 12th later as days goes by we keep moving in life to achieve our own goals in order to achieve that we meet new people, we make new friends and as years pass by we remember the memories of our Best Childhood Friend with whom we are not in touch anymore.

 Many a times I ask a question to myself if we call somebody our best friend we spend time together, we eat together, we discuss life, careers etc and all of sudden we separate ourselves from our so called Best Friends just because we don’t like something in the same friend to whom we have earlier given a title of “ Best Friend” , “ Family Friend” , “ Good Friend” or a “ Friend in Christ”..

Who would we call our best friend? For some of us we call our parents our best friends, for some of us there spouse is there best friend, for some of us their childhood friend is a best friend or for some of us there office mates are best friends. Best friends are very important they back up us when people are against us. No problem is so dark in presence of best friends.

Jesus gave us the biblical definition of a true friend in John 15 verse 13-15 The greatest love a person can have for his friends is to give his life for them. And you are my friends if you do what I command you. I do not call you servants any longer, because a servant does not know what his master is doing Instead, I call you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father.

Lets us see some examples of friendships from the Bible
There are a number of friendships in the Bible that remind us of how we should be treating one another on  a daily basis.

Ruth and Naomi:  Friendships can be formed among different ages and from anywhere. Ruth 1 16-17  we get to know how Ruth became friends with her mother in law and they became family, looking out for each other throughout their lives.

Today I urge to all those mother in laws and the daughter in laws if you have any problem in this delicate relationship just put across in front of you the example of Ruth and Naomi and just ask Jesus to guide you in the same way like Ruth so that you can be best friends.

David and Jonathan : Sometime it does happen there are people who hates you or they don’t like your presence and one fine day the same person becomes your good friend. In David and Jonathan case they never hated each other but their friendship happened instantly. In 1 Samuel 18 1-3 We get to know that they both became friends instantly.

David and Abiathar: Friends protect one another and gets disturbed when the other friend is going through hard time in family, life etc.  I would like to share my testimony here and I thank Jesus for giving me so good friend , A friend who stood along with my family  when we were  going through the hard time during my father’s hospitalization.
In 1 Samuel 22 22-23 we get to know David felt the pain of Abiathar’s loss, as well as responsibility for it, so he vowed to protect him from Saul’s wrath.

Elijah and Elisha: Friends stick to each other, no mater what the situation is good friends never leave each other. Today few of us will be not on talking terms with your good friends or you may have left the companionship of your good friends so today is the day prayerfully ask Jesus to give us the same attitude of Elisha that we will not leave our good friends under any circumstance.

In 2 Kings 2:2 “ And Elijah said to Elisha , Stay here for the Lord has told me to go to Bethel, But Elisha replied As surely as the Lord lives and you yourself live, I will never leave you! So they went down together to Bethel.

Friends introduce friends to other friends, In Romans 16 3-4, Paul said  “ Greet Priscilla and Aquila my co -workers in Christ  Jesus.

Loyal friends love through difficult time: Proverbs 17:17 A friend is always loyal and a brother is born to help in time of need. In our difficult times our family may not be with us, few fake friends who claim themselves as a good friend may not be with us but a true and a good friend will always be with us in our  hard times.

Counsel from a friend is pleasing: Proverbs 27:9 The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense. Many a  time we may come to a situation where we may feel disheartened by the deeds of our good friends but the counsel and advise given by our good friends is little hard to bear but its good because it’s a real advise.

Friends Shape and Sharpen one another: Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. We should always have a friend who will never sharpen us to do wrong thing but will always sharpen us to do something good and work for the spread of gospel.

Believers Enjoy Friendship with God; Romans 5:10 For since our friendship with God was restored by the death of his son while we were still his enemies, we will certainly be saved through the life of his son.

Before I conclude I would like to recite the below poem which I read once.

I like you not only for what you are,
But for what I am when I am with you.
I like you not only for what you have made of yourself,
But for what you are making of me.
I like you not for closing your ears to the discords in me,
But for adding to the music in me by worshipful listening.
You have done it without a touch, without a word, without a sign,
You have done it just by being yourself.

Prayer: Heavenly Father I thank you for fulfilling my needs and all of my friends needs who are reading the message now. Father gives us the heart and an attitude to be a good friend to people around us and to help our friends in need. Father today we pray due some reason if we have lost our good friends companionship through your holy spirit reunite us with our good friends. Through your Son Jesus Christ Amen.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013



Definition:  It can be defined as a situation when a person thinks, or the person thoughts , intentions or desires things which are opposite to the thoughts or desires of Almighty God. When we as a Human Being are tempted we fulfill our desires for our satisfaction or for our enjoyment where we actually commit sin.

In  Bible we get to know about the temptations which are as below,

First Temptations:         Gen Chp 3 verse 1-14
Second Temptations:     First John Chp 2 verse 16
Third Temptations:        Matthew Chp 4 verse 1 -11

Temptation is not restricted by age, race or gender. In Gen chp 3 verse 6 , We read when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes and the tree to be desired to make one wise she took the fruit therefore and did eat and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat it. In Samuel chp 11 verse 2-5 we get to know how did David got tempted to a beautiful woman, In Matthew Chp4 verse 1-11 we get to know about Jesus temptation.

Origin of temptations:  Temptations Arises due to our situations or place or people we are with

But from Matthew Chp 6 verse 13 we get to know what bible actually says about temptations : “ Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”
God tests,  Satan tempts . From the first temptations of Eve in the Garden when the serpent succeeded in causing Adam and Eve to doubt the love of God. Every man is tempted when he or she is moved towards his or her lust , he or she fulfills lust and than lust is converted into sin when sin is finished it leads to death. James Chp1 verse 14 to 15

Does God allow temptation: Mat 3-16 As soon as Jesus was baptized ,Mat 4 verse 1 then the spirit lead Jesus into the desert to be tempted by the devil. We need to understand one thing that God never tempt Jesus and so do no mankind must say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God for God cannot be tempted with evil. James chp 1 verse 13.says If a person is tempted by such trials, he must not say, “ This temptation comes from God.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, and he himself tempts no one.

Our heavenly Father never lead us into sinning because He is not the author of the sin instead Jesus prayed “ Lead us not into temptations” which means Lord please help us not to fail our testing/ tempting by entering into sin.

Ways to overcome temptations:

1.     Run away from temptation:   1 Cor 10-13 At the time you are put to the test , He will give you the strength to endure it and so provide you with a way out.

2.    Use weapon to cut off temptations:  Heb 4 -12 The word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double edged sword. It cuts all the way through to where soul and spirit meet, to where joints and marrow come together. It judges the desires and thoughts of man’s heart.

3.    Always fear God:  Psalm 147 10- 11 He delighted not in the strength of the horse he take no pleasure in the legs of the man.The Lord take pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy .

4.    Avoid to be tempted: 1 Tim 6 -11 But you man of God avoid all these things. Strive for righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.


Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank you for fulfilling all my needs and all those people’s need who are reading this message now. Really Father we sometime makes misuse of your scripture without knowing the deep meaning of it we often fall pray to temptations and we easily say Lord you only put me there and I did but Father today give us the same courage and strength which you gave to your son and our savior Jesus so that we would be in position like Jesus to crash the serpent( temptations) under feet and we should glorify you because we all say Lead us not into temptations but deliver us from evil. Through your son Jesus Christ accept this prayer. 


Saturday, 25 May 2013



Key points of the message:    Relation between Father and us
                                               Role Models of Faith
                                               If we do not have faith than also Jesus calls us
                                               If no faith what is the use of our soul
                                               Blessing we get through faith

Isaiah chapter 12-2 says God is my savior, I will trust and not be afraid, the Lord gives me power & strength he is my savior.

Today as a Christian we should ask ourselves,Our we in a position to say that God is my savior. My dear friends today all of us will say Yes Lord is my savior , but the real fact is that today we are not in a position to say that Lord is my savior and for this we should blame ourselves  as we all are lacking in faith, we are not that close to our Lord and most important is that we have failed to maintain the Father and son’s relation with Him and that is why we are not that close to our Father which results in lack in faith and the final results of this is that we are not in a position to say that Lord is my savior. We can only get more closer to our Father only and only if we maintain the Father and son’s relation with Him. For example: If I need any help from my worldly Father I will immediately ask I will say papa I want this…. But when it comes to heavenly Father I will wait until night because every night I do prayer and then only I will ask Him, though my need is in the morning or any time of the day but then also I will wait for night to come because every night I pray and that time I will ask help to my Father. Today we all have made a timetable to speak with our heavenly Father and that is why we have failed to maintain the Father and son’s relation, the relation which we all our eligible for and which He gave to us.

I would like to share one more example. If we have any problem we pray for solution we ask our heavenly Father to show us the way out of our problem  and the very next moment question comes in our mind will my problem get resolved? I don’t understand why these question comes in our mind when we have ask our Father at that very moment our problem is resolved but to weak Faith we get doubts. Scriptures says be in this world but different from the people, today we have to live in this world with more and more strong faith in our Lord so that question like will my problem get resolved will not come in our mind. Today I have selected few role models and we all should try to be like them in faith so that all of us can proudly say God is my savior.

Role Model 1 Daniel Chp 3: In these chapter king Nebuchadnezzar ask everyone to worship Gold & silver statue and he also said that if anyone fails to do so will be put into a blazing furnance. I was thinking if I was in that palace what would I have done in that situation and my answer was I would have bow down to the gold statue because of fear of going into the blazing furnance apart from knowing the fact that my Father in heaven is with me but then also I would have bow down because of fear and dear friends fear comes when we lack in faith but if we see Daniel and his 3 friends they refused to do so and later they were thrown into a blazing furnace but what happens because of their strong faith in the Lord our Savior Daniel and his friends were saved being in the blazing furnace not a single wound on their bodies. In further chp we see King Darius gives order not to praise or worship any other God but only him but than also Daniel continues to worship heavenly Father 3 times  a day  and the results of his continuous prayer was he was saved from the Lions pits. Today our faith should be like Daniel when we trust our Father with our whole heart we get heavenly blessings and all our problems our taken care by him all we have to do is follow the way he has told us trust in him.

In our life we actually should think of our Father before doing anything but we do not we actually give preference to other people and we always give 2nd position to our living God. For Eg: At our work place when a non Christian friends offers me a food which is kept before any ideal, thou we know that we should not eat that food  we accept it because we think what my friend will think but we never think what my Father will think we give first  preference to our friend and second to our Lord. Dear

Role Model 2 : Ruth – Ruth was a foreigner she was not aware of the living God but because of her mother in law she trusted the God of Israel the God which she was not aware of and Ruth was blessed because of her faith she got blessings in Chp 2 11-12 and Chp 3 says Ruth marries Boaz she gets a life partner Dear friends since birth we are Christian and we know Jesus since our childhood days  if He blessed Ruth who was not knowing God of Israel but because of her faith she was blessed today we should be eligible for more blessings because we know our Father since our birth

Role Model 3 : In the gospel’s of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Jesus blessed and healed so many people because of their faith. A classic example of Faith shown in the movie Ben Hur. Towards the end of the movie we see Ben Hur’s mother goes to Jesus with a hope and Faith in her heart that Jesu will heal her but when she arrives by that that time Jesus was crucified and later see because of her strong faith she was healed through Jesus flowing blood.

Matthew 9 -27-29 Blind Man: We get to know about their faith in Jesus because Jesus ask them do you believe that I can heal you and they said Yes. Today Jesus is asking us “ Do you believe can I heal you “ and our answer should be “ Yes” an Yes from the heart with Faith.

Luke 5 12-13 Dread skin disease man: We not only get to know about his faith but also the way he requested Jesus  He says “ Sir if you want to, you can make me clean!” Today when we pray we say Jesus I want a car, Jesus I want a home, Jesus I want a good job but are we asking Jesus if you wish and if you think it is righ time than only grant my wish . no we don’t do that instead we command Jesus.

Luke 18 35-42 Blind man: Once again through this verse we not only get to know about faith but again the kind of request made to Jesus the blind man say “ Son of David have pity on me” Today we should ask Jesus to forgive our sins and should be pity on us and that ask Jesus with faithful heart

Today our faith should be like the blind man and like the dread skin disease man we should prayer my Father please forgive my sins and pity me and this prayer should be with faith and we will get healing.

Role Model 4 Luke 19 1-10 Zacchaeus He was a rich man and tax collector and I am sure he would have done lots of wrong things while collecting tax but I guess he would have heard about Jesus and that is why after being short in height he climbed the tree to see Jesus, I think he would have realized his sins and he may have strong feeling that Jesus  will forgive his sins and that is why I assume he would have climbed the tree to see Jesus, because of his faith in Jesus he got reply Hurry down Zacchaeus because I must stay at your place today. And he realized his sins and returned all the extra money. And Jesus blessed him Salvation has come to this house today

Sometime when we run away from Jesus he comes to us again so that we should listen to Him and we should follow him. Songs of Songs Chapter  5 8-6 but as per this verse reply comes I cannot come now because I am naked If I take this situation in our present youth yes the youth our naked , naked in drinking, dancing in pubs, engaged in sexually excitement and that is the reason when Jesus comes to call us we reply I cannot come now I am naked and by the time we wear our close and goes to Him by that time He has left.

If we lack in faith we should ask this question to ourselves Psalm 30-9, I die without faith what will be the use of my soul to Him

Blessing we get once we grow in faith : Psalm 91-11 God will put his angles in charge of you to protect you wherever you go.


Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank you for fulfilling our needs until this hour of time. Father today we ask you to give us the same faith and the same mindset which we got to learn , give us the strong faith like Daniel so that we will not be scared of any worldly attacks, give us the understanding mind like the blind mans where we will not command you but we will request you not as per our wish but your wish. Thank you father for this time . Through your son Jesus Christ Amen.