Saturday, 25 May 2013



Key points of the message:    Relation between Father and us
                                               Role Models of Faith
                                               If we do not have faith than also Jesus calls us
                                               If no faith what is the use of our soul
                                               Blessing we get through faith

Isaiah chapter 12-2 says God is my savior, I will trust and not be afraid, the Lord gives me power & strength he is my savior.

Today as a Christian we should ask ourselves,Our we in a position to say that God is my savior. My dear friends today all of us will say Yes Lord is my savior , but the real fact is that today we are not in a position to say that Lord is my savior and for this we should blame ourselves  as we all are lacking in faith, we are not that close to our Lord and most important is that we have failed to maintain the Father and son’s relation with Him and that is why we are not that close to our Father which results in lack in faith and the final results of this is that we are not in a position to say that Lord is my savior. We can only get more closer to our Father only and only if we maintain the Father and son’s relation with Him. For example: If I need any help from my worldly Father I will immediately ask I will say papa I want this…. But when it comes to heavenly Father I will wait until night because every night I do prayer and then only I will ask Him, though my need is in the morning or any time of the day but then also I will wait for night to come because every night I pray and that time I will ask help to my Father. Today we all have made a timetable to speak with our heavenly Father and that is why we have failed to maintain the Father and son’s relation, the relation which we all our eligible for and which He gave to us.

I would like to share one more example. If we have any problem we pray for solution we ask our heavenly Father to show us the way out of our problem  and the very next moment question comes in our mind will my problem get resolved? I don’t understand why these question comes in our mind when we have ask our Father at that very moment our problem is resolved but to weak Faith we get doubts. Scriptures says be in this world but different from the people, today we have to live in this world with more and more strong faith in our Lord so that question like will my problem get resolved will not come in our mind. Today I have selected few role models and we all should try to be like them in faith so that all of us can proudly say God is my savior.

Role Model 1 Daniel Chp 3: In these chapter king Nebuchadnezzar ask everyone to worship Gold & silver statue and he also said that if anyone fails to do so will be put into a blazing furnance. I was thinking if I was in that palace what would I have done in that situation and my answer was I would have bow down to the gold statue because of fear of going into the blazing furnance apart from knowing the fact that my Father in heaven is with me but then also I would have bow down because of fear and dear friends fear comes when we lack in faith but if we see Daniel and his 3 friends they refused to do so and later they were thrown into a blazing furnace but what happens because of their strong faith in the Lord our Savior Daniel and his friends were saved being in the blazing furnace not a single wound on their bodies. In further chp we see King Darius gives order not to praise or worship any other God but only him but than also Daniel continues to worship heavenly Father 3 times  a day  and the results of his continuous prayer was he was saved from the Lions pits. Today our faith should be like Daniel when we trust our Father with our whole heart we get heavenly blessings and all our problems our taken care by him all we have to do is follow the way he has told us trust in him.

In our life we actually should think of our Father before doing anything but we do not we actually give preference to other people and we always give 2nd position to our living God. For Eg: At our work place when a non Christian friends offers me a food which is kept before any ideal, thou we know that we should not eat that food  we accept it because we think what my friend will think but we never think what my Father will think we give first  preference to our friend and second to our Lord. Dear

Role Model 2 : Ruth – Ruth was a foreigner she was not aware of the living God but because of her mother in law she trusted the God of Israel the God which she was not aware of and Ruth was blessed because of her faith she got blessings in Chp 2 11-12 and Chp 3 says Ruth marries Boaz she gets a life partner Dear friends since birth we are Christian and we know Jesus since our childhood days  if He blessed Ruth who was not knowing God of Israel but because of her faith she was blessed today we should be eligible for more blessings because we know our Father since our birth

Role Model 3 : In the gospel’s of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Jesus blessed and healed so many people because of their faith. A classic example of Faith shown in the movie Ben Hur. Towards the end of the movie we see Ben Hur’s mother goes to Jesus with a hope and Faith in her heart that Jesu will heal her but when she arrives by that that time Jesus was crucified and later see because of her strong faith she was healed through Jesus flowing blood.

Matthew 9 -27-29 Blind Man: We get to know about their faith in Jesus because Jesus ask them do you believe that I can heal you and they said Yes. Today Jesus is asking us “ Do you believe can I heal you “ and our answer should be “ Yes” an Yes from the heart with Faith.

Luke 5 12-13 Dread skin disease man: We not only get to know about his faith but also the way he requested Jesus  He says “ Sir if you want to, you can make me clean!” Today when we pray we say Jesus I want a car, Jesus I want a home, Jesus I want a good job but are we asking Jesus if you wish and if you think it is righ time than only grant my wish . no we don’t do that instead we command Jesus.

Luke 18 35-42 Blind man: Once again through this verse we not only get to know about faith but again the kind of request made to Jesus the blind man say “ Son of David have pity on me” Today we should ask Jesus to forgive our sins and should be pity on us and that ask Jesus with faithful heart

Today our faith should be like the blind man and like the dread skin disease man we should prayer my Father please forgive my sins and pity me and this prayer should be with faith and we will get healing.

Role Model 4 Luke 19 1-10 Zacchaeus He was a rich man and tax collector and I am sure he would have done lots of wrong things while collecting tax but I guess he would have heard about Jesus and that is why after being short in height he climbed the tree to see Jesus, I think he would have realized his sins and he may have strong feeling that Jesus  will forgive his sins and that is why I assume he would have climbed the tree to see Jesus, because of his faith in Jesus he got reply Hurry down Zacchaeus because I must stay at your place today. And he realized his sins and returned all the extra money. And Jesus blessed him Salvation has come to this house today

Sometime when we run away from Jesus he comes to us again so that we should listen to Him and we should follow him. Songs of Songs Chapter  5 8-6 but as per this verse reply comes I cannot come now because I am naked If I take this situation in our present youth yes the youth our naked , naked in drinking, dancing in pubs, engaged in sexually excitement and that is the reason when Jesus comes to call us we reply I cannot come now I am naked and by the time we wear our close and goes to Him by that time He has left.

If we lack in faith we should ask this question to ourselves Psalm 30-9, I die without faith what will be the use of my soul to Him

Blessing we get once we grow in faith : Psalm 91-11 God will put his angles in charge of you to protect you wherever you go.


Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank you for fulfilling our needs until this hour of time. Father today we ask you to give us the same faith and the same mindset which we got to learn , give us the strong faith like Daniel so that we will not be scared of any worldly attacks, give us the understanding mind like the blind mans where we will not command you but we will request you not as per our wish but your wish. Thank you father for this time . Through your son Jesus Christ Amen.

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