Saturday, 22 June 2013

Why Am I On This Earth

Last year I went to Leh Ladak for my vacation, while passing through those dangerous valleys for a while I was scared thinking what if my cab just falls into the deep valley. Later I kept praying until I crossed the valleys safe. After some time I got a question in my mind why Jesus brought me into this world if I have die some 70 or 80 years later? or keeping present lifestyle in mind at the most 50 years. As a believer I always think there is something more to life from just to say Eat, Drink and be happy for tomorrow we die, but I think this assumption is wrong because even Science is discovering that the universe is getting old. It's dying just like man for example these days we have awareness regarding global warning. Sometime I wonder if all these things are going to happen than why I am on this Earth? And the answer is the reason I am here its because of God. The purpose of life is much larger than you or me, our families, careers or our goals. Life is not about us at all. It's about God. In Isaiah 43 verse 7 They are my own people and I created them to bring me glory.So let's not waste time in thinking about our careers,prosperity etc etc because in Pslam 32 verse 8 The Lord says I will teach you the way you should go. I will instruct you and advise you. In 1 Cor 10 verse 31"- Well what ever you do whether you eat or drink do it all for God's glory.

God created us for:

 1 For His glory. 
2 To glorify God and to fulfill His life purpose not ours. 
3  We can do anything be anyone or go anywhere as long as you include God.
4  Always glorify God in our own way. 
5 Life is God's gift lets' fulfill God's purpose not ours with the time He as        given to us.

In Genesis 1 verse 1 to 28 We get to know that in the beginning God created heaven, the earth, the humans. Bible tells us God specially created man and woman in His image so that God could have fellowship ( companionship or friendship) with His creation.He blessed them and gave them the rule over the fish of the sea and birds of the air and every living creature that moves on the ground. We are on the earth for God's pleasure,If we know God personally, than there is more to just living and dying because God does not want anyone to be destroyed but wants everyone to be repent. 2 Peter 3 verse 9

Now what is repentance and why do we need it? When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam's sin brought death so death spread Romans 5 verse 21, So sin entered in the human world, but God created a away out of it through Jesus Christ to defeat last enemy death. So this is the reason we should have repentance, we are here on the earth to honour God to know God and to share the benefits of his experience with others while on earth so we can ultimately spread gospel to others. We can only do that if we know Jesus as our saviour.

1 God's purpose: To have peace and life. God loves you and wants you to know Him so He can fill you with peace and give you real life forever.

The Bible says: Because of our Lord Jesus we live at peace with God.
 Romans 5 verse 1 God loved the people of this world so much that He gave His only on so that everyone who has faith in Him will have eternal life and never die John 3 verse 16, Also in John 10 verse 10 Jesus said I came so that everyone would have life and have it in its fullest.

Now when God as planned peace for us and real life than why so many people our disturbed or angry or unhappy.

2 Our Problem Separation from God: God did not made us robot to automatically love and obey Him, but gave us a will and a freedom of choice and through this freedom since the beginning of time we our disobeying God and this results in separation from God which ends in having peace with Him .

There is only One way to reach God.

3 God's Remedy The Cross: Jesus is the only one who can bring us back to God. He died on the cross and rose on the third day by paying the penalty of our sin and breaching  the gap between God and people.

Today our choice should be

4 Our response Give ourselves to Christ: We must trust Jesus to forgive our sins and determine to obey Him for the rest of our life. That we can know God and find peace again.

The Bible say: So you will be saved if you honestly say Jesus is Lord and if you believe with all your heart that God raised Him from death. Romans 10 verse 9 to 10.

Prayer: Father I thank you for taking care of my needs and of those who are reading this message now. Father we really thank you for giving us the freedom to live but Father we ask you to help us and to guide us so that we will not make use your freedom for doing wrong instead through that freedom give us the strength to understand that we our on this Earth only and only to glorify your name. Through your son Jesus Amen.

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