In John 4 verse 7
to 8 God as advise us to love one another, and love also flows
through our marriage life that lives upto mutual responsibilities and so I
refuse or disagree when most of people say now they have got married and from
one they became tow instead I say they are not 2 but they are 1 x 1 = 1.Yes
husband and wife are not 1 + 1 = 2 but they are 1x1=1 because Ephesians 5
verse 31 God says For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and
unite with his wife and the two will become one therefore husband and
wife are not 2 but 1x1 =1.
In Hebrew chp 10
verse 24, Husband and wife should always encourage one another
towards love and good deeds, that does not mean that wife should always
encourage husband to do good things like asking husband to leave his family and
we will stay separate but wife should always encourage their husband to spread
gospel and to abide by God’s word and most important wife should always
encourage husband to become fishermen because this is what Jesus as asked us to
do. Pope, Bishop , Priest, our worldly designation given by man but designation
given by Jesus to each one of us is Fishermen. Jesus said come to me and I will
teach you to catch men and so likewise the Husband should encourage His wife to
do same.
1 Corinthians chp 13
verse 7: Love always
protects That doesn’t mean love enables, covers over or make secret
things that should not be brought to light. Giving protecting love is being
very careful, prayerful of when, where and with whom we share our personal
details of our married life which needs extra
help and wise counsel. Truly Love our spouse is to protect them by
showing honour and respect for their feelings not revealing or doing anything
that will cut them down by doing that we don’t value them.
1 Cor Chp 13 Love is Kind: does not delight in evil things and is
not self seeking. So we should not embarrasses our spouse because by doing that
we dishonor not only our spouse but in many ways we dishonor are Lord too. One
more example I would like to share in most of the marriages what happens after
marriage either of the partner say I am not happy with other and they start
cribbing and I personally feel that is wrong because again we are dishonoring
God, because our spouse was chosen one for us through our Lord so instead of
cribbing we should ask Lord prayerfully to overcome the bad qualities in our
spouse so that we can live a happy married life.
In Luke chp 19 verse 41
-44 In this verse
Jesus shows his sadness towards Israel, but I am trying to relate Jesus sadness
in Christian Marriages. God gives us peace in married lives as when we allow
God to teach us how to truly love one another, But we see lot of hatred, war
instead of Love in todays’ Christian couples and the reason behind is this is
Peace is missing. Most of the couples are fighting for divorce, few of them
engaged in extra martial affairs and most of the couples are running behind
money to gain worldly riches and rewards . Instead Jesus said first we should
achieve Jesus in our life and once we do that all other things falls in place
but today we try our best to achieve worldly things first and the result of
this is we go away from Jesus. To give divorce to your wife is the most wrong
thing because in Proverbs 18-22 Loard said He who finds wife finds good thing and also
God said what God as joined no man should separate it.
Give your
spouse the same grace that you want from Lord and that you want Lord to give
Submission is
a key element in the smooth functioning of any marriage. It is essential to
understand that submission Is not surrender or withdrawal. Submission is a
mutual commitment and cooperation.
Wife should
submit herself to husband for sake of their marriage and family. Submission
between them is by choice not by force.
When husband
and wife turns away from God than in their private life everything suffers and
so do their surroundings because we don’t
recognize Christ’s love which is open to all that embrace Him as savior
and as Lord, in being foundation upon which our marriage must be built upon and
And we should
always remember what Apostle Paul said be content in the situation where God
had placed you. Live God’s way one day at a time and He will show you what to
do because marriage is Gift of God.
Before I
conclude as Husband and wife we have some duties to one another in the same way
we have some duties towards our Church and Lord because Jesus said the Church’s
congregation is His bride so let’s follow Jesus preaching
Father I thank you for this hour day and for fulfilling all my needs and of
those who are reading this message now. Lord give us the sense to make
ourselves humble like you remove all kind of attitude from us so that it won’t
be an obstacle in any relation gifted by Christ. I remember all those couples
and other family relation which are facing time of trials or issues through
your grace bless those relation from getting separated. Amen
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