Pergamum was the capital city of Asia for about 250 years. This city was well known for sins, false religion. This city was known as sin city.
Revelation Chp 2 verse 12 we get to know the writer is Jesus because it says the message is from the one who as sharp tow edged sword( Heb 4-12) When Jesus speaks it is powerful because it is a living word. When Satan comes in our life we can use the same Jesus's sharp sword to attack Satan. Jesus knows all our activities, activities of our Church, family and ourselves so do Jesus knew the activity of Pergamum Church thou this church was in the sinful city but Jesus knew the activities of this church so in verse 13 Jesus commendations: I know you are true to me and you did not abandon me. Antipas was a faithful person in the city of Pergamum. Antipas was against all those things which did not belong to Jesus so today Jesus want us to be like Antipas, later due to his faith he had suffer. He was bonfire under its belly because Antipas refused to renounce his faith in Jesus.
Jesus brings different times in our life just to make us strong in Him, in verse 13 "Satan" names comes twice and this proof how sinful city Pergamum was. In our today's world we see so much sexual immorality around us killing each other and so many unclean things goes around us. An flame of light never complaints of darkness instead a flame of light shines up in darkness exactly today we are in sinful city(darkness) and we should shine like the lampstand, today our lampstand should be full of oil so that we cab burn. We should not feel scared of sin(darkness) where Jesus as placed us we should shine like lampstand because Jesus is with us
In verse 14 Jesus expresses his Concern following the teaching of Balaam. In numbers Chp 24 and Chp 25 we can read about Balaam - Barawk. Today Jesus as concern of sexual immorality, lustful desires, lustful thoughts. We don't worship idols but we make few people our idols to follow.
In verse 16 Jesus Commands: Turn from your sins if you don't than I will come to you soon. Today Jesus is telling us to repent, repent from sexually immorality, sexual desire, from all of our sins we should turn to God and repent make ourselves humble or else Jesus will come to us and fight with us with his swords. People in their sins are so firm that they don't repent. John 12-48 Whoever rejects me and does not accept my message has one who will judge him. The words I have spoken ill be his judge on the last day.
In verse 17 Jesus gives Counsel: Listen if you ... In Exodus Chp 16 verse 19-20 and 35-36 Jesus will give us fresh manna. When you and I will overcome our sins and keep ourselves humble and in God's fellowship, when we are with God in his holy presence we will always remain fresh and we will be like burning lamp. Do not compromise with the world if we do we will be separated from Jesus. White Stone: It was Jewish law if you are find no guilty they would give white stone when we are freed from our sins and when we accept Jesus, Jesus gives us white stone which can be considered as a engagement ring which is a sign that we are one with Jesus we are his bride and Jesus is our bridgegroom. Jesus writes a new name that no one knows except the one who receives it for example certain things are very secret between husband and wife exactly the name which Jesus will write will be known only to that person.
Before the world kill us we should kill the world along with Jesus and than in proud we can say we can conquer anything in Jesus name. Amen
Prayer: Thank you Lord for full filling our needs. Lord help us with the sword which is nothing but your powerful words that whenever we are tempted by Satan to do evil things or lustful things outside your choice we should defeat those things by using your powerful words. Amen
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