Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Message to the church of Ephesus

Revelation CHP 2: Message to the church of Ephesus.

Characters: Writer is Jesus and receiver is Ephesus church, stars are like elders of the church, seven gold lamp stand are like congregation of the church

Jesus always looks for good qualities in us, He appreciate our good work. in chp 2 verse 2 Jesus gives Commendation to the Ephesus Church: Jesus says I know your hard work, your patience, testing against false apostles and not standing by evil men.. When a school teacher takes the class or teaches any lesson. a teacher always uses the blackboard a board is always black and chalk is white so whatever teacher writes can been seen easily similarly Jesus writes his concerns to the church of Ephesus in verse 4 You do not  love me as you loved first. Today most of us do the same thing as a Church we all sit in the same worship but we abuse one another during  the service if we do not like the particular person we don't seat on the same bench. We just say oh I love Jesus this pastor speaks so good we are Holy in the church after that we are back into our old life. When we will face Jesus He will question us on " WHY" rather " WHAT"

In verse 5 Jesus Commands: Turn away from your sins and do what you did first. In Acts Chp 19 we get to know Church of Ephesus was form with lot's of reward, but later they were interested in external things they gave priority to external search. God say first search Kingdom of God. whatever you do do with Christ's motivation of love when you pray, pray with love, holy Spirit will come if you sing, sing with Christ love .

Again in verse 6 Jesus gives commendations You hate Nicolaitans as much as I do, In verse 7 Jesus counsel If you have ears than listen. Tree of life first Tree of life was on earth ( Genesis ) 2nd Tree of life is in Heaven. Adam missed on eating fruit from the tree of life because of his sins, so Jesus says in 1John 54:5 Overcome and repent from your sins so you can eat fruit from the tree of life.


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